Dispute Resolution in Dubai

Dispute Resolution in Dubai

The number of foreign enterprisers setting up companies in Dubai has expanded a lot during the last few years. However, many of them were reluctant in the beginning because they knew little about the UAE legal system. In order to provide foreign investors with the confidence they need, the Government has enabled a…
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Appointing Arbitrators in Dubai

Appointing Arbitrators in Dubai

Arbitration in Dubai falls under the regulations of the UAE Civil Law. The Dubai International Arbitration Centre (DIAC) is the main authority handling arbitration procedures in the Emirate and was established through a different law: DIFC Arbitration Law No. 1 of 2008, as it is located in the Dubai International Financial Center (DIFC). Arbitration proceedings in Dubai are conducted in accordance with the…
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Arbitration Court in Dubai

Arbitration Court in Dubai

Arbitration is an alternative dispute resolution method based on an agreement between the parties and it can be used to settle certain disputes. Although it is not allowed to use arbitration in all cases, in order to be able to use it when possible, companies in Dubai must include an arbitration clause or…
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