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Set up a HORECA Company in Dubai

Set up a HORECA Company in Dubai

Hotels, restaurants, and catering businesses (or café in many cases) represent the HORECA industry which is extremely developed in the Emirates and particularly in Dubai. A businessman can establish the activities whether setting up a hotel, a restaurant or a café, or all of them, considering that the tourism sector is a stable and flourishing sector in the UAE. For a proper incorporation and for a better understanding of the rules and regulations which stand at the base of this process, we suggest you talk to one of our lawyers in Dubai.

Deciding on the type of business in HORECA industry in Dubai

A business person can generate money in a significant and appreciated field like the Dubai HORECA sector. Depending on the activities he/she wants to develop in the Emirates, a restaurant, a hotel or a coffee shop can be registered in Dubai, considering that special licenses and permits are necessary for each type of business. The most popular entity through which you can set up a restaurant, a hotel or a coffee shop is the limited liability company in Dubai’s free trade zones.

Being among favored the destinations worldwide, Dubai is open to investments in the HORECA sector. For instance, one can activate in the food and beverage field as a catering firm, and supply the hotels and restaurants in Dubai. Moreover, a catering firm may also address all kinds of gastronomy events and online delivery.

Requirements for opening a hotel in Dubai

hotel in Dubai can be a great option for investors who want to test the market in Dubai and particularly the tourism sector. One can set up the business by drafting the documents and respecting the requirements of Dubai’s Department of Economic Development. Additionally, one must consider the license for establishing a hotel, resort, hostel or a studio complex and apply for such license with the Department of Tourism and Commerce Marketing in the UAE. The legal aspects can be entirely explained by our Dubai attorneys.

Setting up a restaurant in Dubai

An investor in Dubai has the possibility of opening a restaurant in Dubai once all the requirements and licenses are granted. For having an easy company incorporation process, one can set up the business by choosing the location first instead of building a new one where other approvals might be necessary (blueprints, construction plan). Additionally, the rules linked to the Food Code must be attentively studied when deciding for a restaurant, coffee shop or any other businesses dealing with the food supply.

If you want more details about how to set up a HORECA company in Dubai, please do not hesitate to contact our law firm at Dubai.